[Fraijour] Original Herb Wormwood/Pro Moisture Creamy/Heartleaf Blemish Toner 500ml

Original Herb Wormwood Calming Toner 500ml:
Containing dead skin care ingredients from nature, it removes dead skin cells and wastes accumulated on the skin to keep the skin clean, as well as helping to create an environment where nutrition can be supplied well during skin care.

Pro Moisture Creamy Toner 500ml
Reinforcing moist and firm barrier with applied lactic acid bacteria
Creamy moisturizing that does not dry out with milk protein
Generous and generous 500ml large capacity
Clean finish without stickiness

Heartleaf Blemish Toner 500ml
It soothes irritated skin and helps to strengthen the skin barrier.
Nature-derived ingredients that soothe and provide deep moisturizing at the same time - Provides deep moisturizing to take care of stressed skin.
pH5.5 weakly acidic toner that is comfortable on the skin.

Option & Volume
Wormwood Calming 500ml
Pro Moisture Creamy 500ml
Heartleaf Blemish 500ml

How to use
After cleansing, take an appropriate amount on a cotton pad and tidy up the skin texture.
On days when you need moisture and soothing, layer several times to feel deeper moisture.